(更新 2024-05-01) search mobile number   相關網站列表 | 相關企業商業資訊
search mobile number 相關新聞列表
search mobile number   相關企業商業資訊 | 相關網站列表
    1. search時尚夜店

      SEARCH 座落於大桃園地區 , 空間最夯娛樂指標站以科技 , 時尚 , 前衛 三大元素結合為一體結合5大主題設備打造出夜店空間多元性讓每一場主題派對都能發揮視覺娛樂的獨特性

      電話:03-2805507    地址:桃園縣中壢市新生路182號7樓地圖

    2. 節奏歡樂舞城search

      flash動畫設計LED牆動畫 設計

      電話:09-89516773    地址:桃園縣中壢市新生路182號7樓

    3. (Number56運動主題Ber)醉大餓極餐飲坊 Pub


      電話:02-86717675    地址:新北市三峽區三樹路56號

    4. 數字媒體有限公司

      Number Media成立於2010年8月,Number Media雖然是一間小而美的公司,但裡面的組成成員都具有在媒體廣告&整合行銷領域10年以上之資歷,我們是一群對整合行銷懷抱熱誠理想及有經驗、執行能力、效率高,認真負責的團隊!! Number Media...

      電話:02-25060603    地址:台北市中山區台北市中山區建國北路二段262號6樓

    5. 嘉義市世界美語補習班

      Universe-American Language School is searching for two teachersto join us. Schools provides an English-immersion kindergarten &Elementary program for children, ages 3 to 10. Similar to a North American kindergarten, each teacher is responsible for his or her own classroom. Students are grouped by ag...

      電話:05-2781880    地址:嘉義縣民國路219號

    6. MoGaMe Mobile

      we focus on mobile application/game dev.if you have interesting on this,please contact us.大學教授投資之創新公司公司地點將遷民生東路~資策會大樓

      電話:09-41520108    地址:台北市南港區三重路19-13號4F

    7. 原點科技有限公司

      ...wly founded start-up focusing on location based service. We are building a search platform for mobile applications and web-applications. The platform is our strategic product and will enable the internal and external customers to build new location based service within few weeks. The are looking for...

      電話:02-27725339    地址:台北市大安區敦化南路一段245號11樓

    8. 象星科技有限公司

      Astrotek, as a professional and competent mobile phone business software service provider, works with well-known mobile phone manufacturers and software work shops in Asia as their approved software application supplier and business product distributor.Our product and service encompasses a wide rang...

      電話:02-27270289    地址:台北市信義區松德路217號 (6/10搬汐止.長興街)

    9. 南京鳗部

      中曰式定食快餐, we are now looking for a part time staff number for lunch service, average four hours per day, we have a friendly team of four, two in the kitchen, two in front of house, looking for a young and friendly female new number to join this wonderful team at the front house, if you ...

      電話:02-37652127    地址:台北市松山區南京east rd 五段23巷6弄8号

    10. 台灣摩托羅拉行動通訊股份有限公司

      Motorola Mobility, Inc. (NYSE:MMI) fuses innovative technology with human insights to create experiences that simplify, connect and enrich peoples lives. Our portfolio includes converged mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets; wireless accessories; end-to-end video and data delivery; and man...

      電話:02-87262000    地址:台北市信義區松高路9號9樓

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